Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The last post - Home!!!

Well, I now have proof that flying  and is bad for your health. I have gained 3.5 kg and my luggage gained 11 kg!!

Headed off from Iceland to new York, had a lovely 5 hr flight, then a 24 hour lay over, and a great hotel with airconditioning.

Then 6 hrs flight NY to San Fran, 4 hr wait, ans 15 hrs to Sydney. Just over 48 hrs of continuous flying and waiting is to much. But all forgotten as Tom collected me from the airport, for the first time in his life having shorter hair than me!

Caught up with Katie at Uni, where she did a great job to get out of bed after Parklife!

 Then a nice trip home with Jode. Everything looks so green and beautiful, and as I drove the last leg home a rainbow appeared right over the house!!!

Home sweet home!

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