Friday, October 1, 2010

Last day!! Or, does my butt look pretty in these jeans??

Well, my last full day in Iceland has been hilarious. Not sure if I'm just high on life, but good and funny things happened all day.

Firstly a great, non drug induced sleep!! Then awoke to the sun shining. It was so bright that Tom could hardly see me on Skype. The Eric emails that Rob Zombie is coming to Australia !! ( I had to Skype Tom to check if it was really weird if his mum went to one of the festivals he and Kate go to.. and got the thumbs up on that).

 Then I found  a t shirt that I thought I had lost ( my lovely Elements rainbow one) in the drying room. And I've had lots of kitchen chats with people which have made me recall all the places I've been. Boy, Newfoundland seems a long time ago!!

So walked into town along my favourite sea walk ( you will remember this from previous posts featuring the Viking Ship Sculpture). A rainbow was shining over the still and flat harbour!

Got to shopping and found all I needed in five minutes, so that left heaps of time for hot choc and reading in cafes!! Everyone was smiling at me, and I was having a lovely day. I have been Op shopping and was wearing a cool pair of jeans I got for 6000 Krona ( $6).

So I go to the supermarket on the way home, and like everyone else the check out girl was very friendly. I got my stuff and stepped out of the way, over against the wall, and bent over my pack to put the groceries in ( you see when you walk everywhere you are always repacking your pack). Anyway as I stood up I heard the checkout girl call out to me, and she waved me over.

And then she pointed to my butt and said " You are very pretty here"!!! she then went on to say she liked the swirly stitches on my pockets, and asked where did my jeans come from.Of course I confessed from the Red Cross Op Shop.

So I then walked down 101 Reykjavik laughing my head off like a crazy lady. No one has ever told me I have a pretty butt, perhaps I was channeling my inner stripper while I was packing my pack!!

Had to have another hot choc, and as I sat and looked out on the harbour I realised that I was looking at the rock wall where on the first day I took photos with Moosie and I ( devoted blog followers will remember this). And my rainbow reappeared, right on that spot..I told you it was a crazy day.

Thought that Id better recreate the photo, but as you can see I still haven't perfected the auto timer placement thing yet..

So I have walked home, listening to music, and thinking what a great goodbye day its been.

But, nice as it is, I can't wait to get going home!!!

Late Fragment  by Raymond Carver

And did you get what

you wanted from this life, even so?

I did.

And what did you want?

To call myself beloved, to feel myself

beloved on the earth.

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