Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lazy days in Reyjkavik

Well, here I am back in  Reykjavik. On foot again, as the hire car has gone. The weather has been really terrible, so windy that you even get whirly winds of water on the harbour..

Have spent the last few days doing things that cannot be photographed. ie reading in bed, being massaged, sitting in hot tub and sauna, shopping, eating, and trying to fit all my stuff into the available bags.

Have done a bit of wandering between downpours, still finding lovely sculptures. This one is typical of the simple sculptures all over town, showing people working..Its a hard life here in Iceland.

  This one I just like because of the size and lines, I have not idea what it is.....
 And this lovely female nude is in the big lake park right near the top end of town, between the shops and Uni. You can see all the lovely birches are turning.
 And for you Tom, the soccer mad Icelanders of course have a statue of that..
 Ive also been bird watching in the park, Mallards are still my favourite duck

Its a really pretty city, and i love the cute houses

Anyway, back to shopping and packing and being so excited about coming home!!!

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