Saturday, January 15, 2011

Legian, laughs and leaving

Had a lazy last day in Legian, flying out at 10 30 pm. I was up early and had the whole pool to myself...

Some funny things have happened. Firstly the cab driver who when I said my mother was still alive, swivelled his head to me and said in a loud and shocked voice " your mother is still alive ?!" When I said yes and my father to he just looked shocked. Not sure how old he thought I was!!! I think it may have something to do with people living to a younger age in Bali ( or thats what my ego is saying!).

Anyway I spent most of the morning reading by the pool, with a bit of swimming

 Tom also had a relaxing morning, while Kate braved the shops ( and sleazy cabbies!)

Then Kate and I had the afternoon in the Spa, massage, facial, and complementary hair wash and dry. While the massage and facial were great, I ended up looking like John Travolta in Hairspray after my blowdry!!!

We enjoyed one last meal on the beach

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moving from Ubud back down to Legian

We were all very sad to leave the lovely Ubud area, it is so quiet and peaceful.

Had a relaxing morning at the hotel ( swim, massage).  They even serve you a lovely drink in your room post massage so that you are sure to sit still and let it all sink in on your balcony

Tom and I wandered down to the village temple. They have three temples in each village, to their three Gods, each with its own significant position ( ie south or west). Each family also has its own temple within the famiy compound ( about the size of a big house block, it has one third temple, one third house space and the rest to animals and vegie garden). Our driver told us he has 24 people in his house space!!

There are many great villas set amongst the rice fields, and I love the compound gates.

After one last lunch we headed off, so very glad that we had come out to Ubud, and to this little village of Jungungan.

On the way we passed through many artisan villages, each one dedicated to a different craft. We stopped at the silversmith village, which was fantastic. I asked our driver what you would do if you were born in the silver village, but were a good mask maker. He said this would not happen as the children see everyone in their village practicing the same craft and this is what they know!

We shared our ride to Legian with a cute little gecko, much smaller than the big one which Kate found hiding behind my wardrobe!!

It seemed noisy and busy as we came back to the coast, but then we came into are resort which is walled off and has beach access.

 So guess what, we sat around eating and drinking, interrupted only by the occasional swim!

 The great thing is that you can swim, then put on a sarong and go to dinner

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Elephant Park!!!

Katie managed to recover enough from her sickness to go to the Elephant Park, her Bali highlight.
Tom stayed at Junjungan and watched the rice plantings for the morning

The park was fantastic, located in the jungle north west of Ubud.
The drive there was great, catching glimpses of ducks with their farmers in the rice paddies, roosters in individual cages out the front of houses, and many women taking elaborate offerings to temples, as this was the last day of a month long festival.

We were able to ride on elephant

And we enjoyed this half hour in the jungle

They are quiet strange to ride as the rocking motion is much slower paced than a horse, so you sort of lurch from side to side!

Then we got up close and personal feeding them

The park also has 3 babies, which is quiet a feat apparently

And as you would expect the Hindu God Ganesha ( god of good fortune, lord of thresholds and remover of obstacles) is well represented here

And moosie was there enjoying the day

Tom and I then spent the afternoon in Ubud, and got to see a Balinese Dance session

And more of the beautiful architecture

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yoga and massage in Ubud

Our hotel has a fabulous dining area, so we are having really nice meals there

Kate and I then sampled the hotel spa with a massage ( fabulous) while Tom enjoyed the pool. Then after more relaxing Kate and I headed to the Yoga Barn for a womens only class, very interesting!!

We all met up in Ubud for a stroll, enjoying the relaxed cafes

The day ended not so well with Katie being sick, not sure if its from the heat or some food. But whats a trip to Bali without someone getting Bali Belly!!

Moving to Ubud and the Monkey Forest

Today we checked out of the lovely Kubu Rama villa and moved north to Ubud.
The drive gave us lots more to look at, including all the kids getting out of school ( we decided that school kids are the same the world over)

The mobile food carts

And the amazing things that people carry on their bikes

After our great villa we were all thinking that the next accomodation could not be as good, but we were wrong. Set in a tiny village ( Jungung) north of Ubud, in rice fields, and with only 10 rooms, this place is amazing. Beautiful wooden doors

Mosquito net canopied beds

and I even have my own little meditation room!

We had another great meal, then headed to the Monkey Forest ( Toms pick of things to do in Bali).
Tom and I kept banana free, while Kate braved feeding the monkey's

Everything is covered in moss

And the forest is filled with amazing sculptures

And everywhere the monkey's

We finished the day with a walk though Ubud, and fabulous crispy duck for dinner.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Purah Tanah Lot

After the usual morning of swim, brecky and massage Kate and I headed off to visit a sea temple, Tanah Lot. Taxis are so cheap here, we had the driver take us, wait for an hour, and then bring us home, all for abotu $12!

Tanah Lot is west of where we are staying, so we got to drive through some rural area on the way. Its quiet amazing the areas they farm essentially by hand. The only machines that I have seen are a garden sized rotary hoe.

The sea temple Tanah Lot is part of a chain of temples built in the sea, each visible from the next, built by the priest Nirartha, and is a very significant place for the Balinese. When you arrive you pass through a wonderful archway with lovely carvings

You then need to pass through the gauntlet of hawkers and market stalls, which are not very nice,

and finally another lovely set of arches and into the temple space.

The temples were bulit to honour the sea gods, and non Balinese caannot go inside. To show respect we had to cover our shoulders and knees, hence the long pants and tshirts on a very hot day.

It is a very beautiful spot, and once inside very calm, with lots of Balinese families picnicing.

Kate was particularly unimpressed by the lack of any hand rails or guards, so out time on the sea bridge was limited!!

After all this spirituality I decided on  quiet afternoon reading and swimming, while Tom and Kate visited Kuta.

We finished the day with a short stroll to the beach, and a fabulous dinner at Sate Bali, a well know cooking school and restaurant.  This was our dessert!

I had my annual alcoholic drink ( i had skipped it at xmas), a Margarita, which was delicious.

The kids were particularly impressed with the live featuring Cold Chisel covers.. must be all the born again backpackers!!

We wandered home to be greated with the usual lovely offering at our villa door

Saturday, January 8, 2011

If we get any more relaxed I think we'll stop breathing!

Another beautiful morning of lounging by the pool, massage and reading.

We may be a little task focussed, Tom and Kate are creating a frangipani wall on our waterfall! It does take a bit to get used to people coming and cleaning, tidying, and even setting the mosquito coils for you at night!

Tom decided to spend a quiet day swimming and reading ( oh and catching a little cable!!)

Kate wanted to see Kuta, so we headed in there for some shopping. Its not to busy at this time of year, but you see enough people in Bintang singlets, and cheap shops to get the picture. We splashed out on DVDs, $1 each, so Kate got Eat, Pray, Love, I got The Guradians ( a new kids animation about Owls), and Tom got a few, including the rare Lord of the Rings 5!!!! Yes, its the story of Aragorn as a baby, what a collectors item!!

The drive is always entertaining. So much construction is going on, and the bamboo scaffolding is incredible. All the stone mason work is done by hand, so you walk past a temple contruction and all you can hear is the hammers thumping.

The architecture is full of statues of gods, its interesting to see how this belief is woven into every aspect daily life. The Balinese worship Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, there trinity, as well as other ancestoral and village gods.

Had great pissa at Echo Beach, and then the rain came down in buckets. Honestly I have never seen rain like it!