Saturday, January 8, 2011

If we get any more relaxed I think we'll stop breathing!

Another beautiful morning of lounging by the pool, massage and reading.

We may be a little task focussed, Tom and Kate are creating a frangipani wall on our waterfall! It does take a bit to get used to people coming and cleaning, tidying, and even setting the mosquito coils for you at night!

Tom decided to spend a quiet day swimming and reading ( oh and catching a little cable!!)

Kate wanted to see Kuta, so we headed in there for some shopping. Its not to busy at this time of year, but you see enough people in Bintang singlets, and cheap shops to get the picture. We splashed out on DVDs, $1 each, so Kate got Eat, Pray, Love, I got The Guradians ( a new kids animation about Owls), and Tom got a few, including the rare Lord of the Rings 5!!!! Yes, its the story of Aragorn as a baby, what a collectors item!!

The drive is always entertaining. So much construction is going on, and the bamboo scaffolding is incredible. All the stone mason work is done by hand, so you walk past a temple contruction and all you can hear is the hammers thumping.

The architecture is full of statues of gods, its interesting to see how this belief is woven into every aspect daily life. The Balinese worship Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, there trinity, as well as other ancestoral and village gods.

Had great pissa at Echo Beach, and then the rain came down in buckets. Honestly I have never seen rain like it!

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