Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Elephant Park!!!

Katie managed to recover enough from her sickness to go to the Elephant Park, her Bali highlight.
Tom stayed at Junjungan and watched the rice plantings for the morning

The park was fantastic, located in the jungle north west of Ubud.
The drive there was great, catching glimpses of ducks with their farmers in the rice paddies, roosters in individual cages out the front of houses, and many women taking elaborate offerings to temples, as this was the last day of a month long festival.

We were able to ride on elephant

And we enjoyed this half hour in the jungle

They are quiet strange to ride as the rocking motion is much slower paced than a horse, so you sort of lurch from side to side!

Then we got up close and personal feeding them

The park also has 3 babies, which is quiet a feat apparently

And as you would expect the Hindu God Ganesha ( god of good fortune, lord of thresholds and remover of obstacles) is well represented here

And moosie was there enjoying the day

Tom and I then spent the afternoon in Ubud, and got to see a Balinese Dance session

And more of the beautiful architecture

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