Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Moving to Ubud and the Monkey Forest

Today we checked out of the lovely Kubu Rama villa and moved north to Ubud.
The drive gave us lots more to look at, including all the kids getting out of school ( we decided that school kids are the same the world over)

The mobile food carts

And the amazing things that people carry on their bikes

After our great villa we were all thinking that the next accomodation could not be as good, but we were wrong. Set in a tiny village ( Jungung) north of Ubud, in rice fields, and with only 10 rooms, this place is amazing. Beautiful wooden doors

Mosquito net canopied beds

and I even have my own little meditation room!

We had another great meal, then headed to the Monkey Forest ( Toms pick of things to do in Bali).
Tom and I kept banana free, while Kate braved feeding the monkey's

Everything is covered in moss

And the forest is filled with amazing sculptures

And everywhere the monkey's

We finished the day with a walk though Ubud, and fabulous crispy duck for dinner.

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