Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fiji 2012 - travel to Nadi - Jan 2

Had left Greghamstown on a cool misty morning,

 with Hoobie standing guard.

After a bad nights sleep for all  could that have been because of the Dominos Pissa?) we were up early for a sleepy airport breakfast.

The flight was good, only four hours, and Tom quickly got into the holiday mood. 

We were all in tears by the time we got to Nadi, me from watching Red Dog ( animal movies are so sad!), Tom from watching the Senna movie, and Katie from her book, One Day.

The humidity hit us when we got off the plan, but we were quickly into our hire car ( with a little bit of Margie assertiveness when the Europacar guys told me it was $200 more than my receipt!) and off the Lautoka. A very relaxed airport, not at all like  a US or Bali landing!

This is a sugar milling town about 15 min north of Nadi, which is on the main island of Fiji, Vita Levu. Kate and I made a novice error by telling the staff that her aircon wasn’t working, only to find that we hadn’t put her room card into the slot!!!  We had a booking at a nice cheap hotel, great pool and lovely ocean walk.

 Dinner was at a local pub, as recommended by Lonely Planet, just a quick walk from the hotel. The food was great, and so cheap!! For about A$9 each we had a beef curry, a Mongolian lamb, another dish which I cant remember and drinks. The curries here are fantastic, I guess as so many Indian people live in Fiji. Better start looking for that mumu!!

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