Sunday, January 8, 2012

Flying over Lake Eyre

Today is the big one, our Lake Eyre flight. Our pilot Ian ( brother to Ross and Sally who run the Prairie Hotel) took us on a five hour 800 km flight over the most amazing scenery.

The first hour we flew over massive stations, red earth and jagged ranges, then landed at Moorabilla station (where Campbell based his blue car for the land speed record).

After a quick stop we were again and suddenly there was Lake Eyre. It was massive, beautiful blue water, some rose coloured, and then the white white edges. The juxtaposition of this much water against the surrounding dessert was amazing.

We then flew up Coopers Creek, rich with Pelicans and meandering curves, greenish water, pale green vegetation, and then red dessert.

Also saw the dingo fence, Birdsville Track.

After a second stop at Moorilla station for fuel we come back over Leigh Creek, with its massive coal mine.

Then Ross called on the two way to say they had mustered cattle and had caught some feral bulls, so we swung by, landed on the tiniest of air strip, had a look, then we were off again.

Nearly six hours latter we were back in the hotel, our heads spinning with wonderful pictures

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