Saturday, January 25, 2014

Falling down again

And so this falling down thing is becoming  a regular habit!

As soon as I am in a squat toilet area I seem to have tummy troubles, so have been on the Imodium. Being very vigilant with fluids and electrolyte replacement.

Went downstairs to get some things out of my bike basket, headlamp on.

Not sure if I tripped or what but I face planted into the cement floor. Very very hard. Split my lip inside, sore front teeth, very sore nose, skinned knees and elbows, and almost put the headlamp through my skull.

Sadly this has resulted in the most massive headache, and now a black eye ( the other eye from my previous one), and quiet a bit of sensitivity to light and noise. Consequently I have returned to siem reap and hunkered down, sleeping many hours.  I now think I may have had a mild concussion, but all seems to be coming good.

I have such a swollen forehead and between my eyes that I look like Botox gone wrong. 

My theory is that the universe is trying to get me to understand something, and I just can't get it through my thick skull! 

It has shaken me quiet a bit, and made me realise how vulnerable you are when you travel. 

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