Monday, January 27, 2014

Impressions of siem reap

I'm finding it hard to get it a the swing of this trip, not sure if it was the right time for me to come to a south East Asian country, it seems way to noisy for me. I'm enjoying wandering the markets and trying to figure out all the food:)

Sights and sounds flash by way to quickly for me to photograph, so here are some of my mental snap shots:
Motor bikes with  a family of five on board, mum at the back and descending down to baby at the front, no helmet, all happy
School kids on push bikes, the old Penelope pitstop kind with upright handles, all in pristine white shirts and navy bottoms
Old ladies sorting through trash to get cardboard to sell
Water buffalo next door to closes lines, with chickens, babies and puppies running in between
Amazing loads on motorbikes and trailers, hay piled 2 m high, 3 mattresses folded over to be 6 deep.
Road repair gangs where boys have picks and girls carry baskets of gravel
Juxtaposition of very very grand government buildings, especially the Peoples Party of Cambodia, and people living in pole shacks with no power or clean water
Water Lillie's on beautiful ponds

All the children are so friendly, they call out hello and blow kisses. I think the grey hair works a treat for getting looked after.

My favourite part is finding a wat or Buddhist temple. They are always places of beauty and calm, and I'm coming it love the chanting of prayers. Also the architecture and statues are always fascinating.

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