Saturday, October 15, 2016

Camping, Patagonia style

Camped at Lake Pehoe last night, arriving at around dusk. The now familiar " I speak no Spanish and you speak no English" interchange happened with the lovely Heracle, and we were allowed to just pick a site.

The camp has a frame shelters and we are to have night which proved why.

 The weather report said minus 9 and 90km/hr winds! My gear proved ever faithful and I actually had a great sleep. The wind did wake me a few times, but my icebreaker and down served me well.

I was especially appreciative of my hut bootie, thanks Tom!

With the morning came the realisation that we would be foolish to walk as planned, and so we headed to a hotel near the start of the walk to Camp Torres, and alternated between trying the different types of Sours, and packing bags.

The plan tomorrow is to walk regardless, but be prepared to turn back if it is to rough.

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