Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fin de Mundo

In Punta Arenas we said goodby by to our car and organised our significant belongings into our packs ( you spread out so much in a car!), booked bus tickets and headed south.

The landscape quickly become the flat Savannah which looks so similar to western New South Wales.

We saw only sheep for most of the way, of course with occasional guanaco and rhea. It doesn't look like this is a highly profitable farming area, and the sheep seemed very rough shorn, and lambing season in full swing.

The only buildings seem to be small houses and enormous shearing sheds.

To say the bus trip was long would be an understatement, as it was 11 hrs 45 mins from start to finish. The view and a couple of Kwells proved sophoric, so the time did pass ok. We were provided with some refreshments, who knew Katie had a drink named after her.

Arrived safe in Ushuaia just on dusk, with the final three hours on a mini bus which traveled superfast through beech forest and mountain turns.

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