Sunday, October 16, 2016

Torres del Paine

After a good night, woken only by big plops of snow falling from the tree on my tent, we caught the sunrise.

It was then time to jet boil more snow for coffee ( best bday gift thanks Tom, Kate and Gaby), pack up and head out on a very slippery trail, as the weather from yesterday had melted snow which had overnight frozen hard. Thank god for my trekking poles.

It was a glorious quiet walk out through the Rio Ascentio valley. And yes the fact that it sloped down did help!

I was very proud and happy to have made it, and appreciative of having a lot of my gear carried for me.

And so was Moosie

The descent down the valley gave us great views across Lago Nordenskjold

And then back to the car, very tired but happy. As we left the  park we were given some final magnificent views of the towers. 

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