Sunday, October 23, 2016

Parque Nacional, Tierra del Fuego

Spent a most peaceful couple of days camped in the  national park of Tierra del Fuego. It's about 20 km from town so we had a rather wild bus ride and some crazy and varied information before being left by the side of the road at Campino Laguna Verde.

We had the place to ourselves, oh except for the resident geese couple who's lovely quiet calls to each other became the soundtrack to our visit .

We enjoyed a walk to the coast line, and ran into two Aussies who's bike we had seen in Torres del Paine. Turns out he has been riding the Americas for 3 years!!!  It's a long way from Alaska to here!

 The trails are well maintained, and the sun was out but that wind chill!! Enjoyed the various beech trees

Even got surprised at the end of the day with a treat, I'm loving the availability of dark beer!

Spent our second day walking the more peaty and sub arctic areas

There are numerous beautiful little lakes which the trails just wind around, and lots of peat bogs as well

Oh and beaver dams! They were introduced by white explorers to supply fur and now are a real pest, but still there dams are cool.

Got a nice view of our tiny tents on the way home (between the tree fork)

We were tucked down to bed ( after a yummy dinner of mashed potato thanks Kate) when the park ranger decided to stop by. At 8pm!  What is it with Argentinians and staying up late haha. 

All in all a really nice peaceful coul of days.

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