Monday, February 10, 2014

Musings and reflections

As I have said before , Phnom Penh has suprised me with its charm.

It only takes a five minute tuktuk ride to see outside the city, where much of the produce that you see in the markets is grown.

You seepeople in boats tending these greens, which are then loaded into trucks and taken to the market for sale. No expiry date here. It's odd, on the one hand the food hygiene makes me gag, and yet isn't this the essence  of the 100 mile, locally grown, eat what you can recognise movement that is occurring in the west. They live in the raised huts you can see.

I've been away for a while, so time for a haircut. Can I just say that boys outside temples may not be the best stylists ? However Tom assures me I'm all set for music festivals now :)

Sunrise from my balcony is magic

And the view from my dinner table hysterical, as I watch these locals and some foreigners keep fit

 I'm enjoying yoga classes whenever I can, getting to the place is always a great adventure. I spotted this cool blue lion outside a childcare centre . Love that colour!

And then enjoyed yoga, which was like bikram just because it was so hot.

Most evenings are ended with drinks on the rooftop, and reading. I have discovered Sebastian Faulks, reading Human Traces , and I am hooked. Oh and the margaritas are amazing.

And yes my tattoe is lovely, k for kkkkk Katie,and I do have a matching one for Tom.

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