Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 12- Deralie to Pokhara, the end!!

Well lucky its the last day cause the rats running in the roof were noisy, and i spent half the night banging on the window to shut them up. My room mate must have thought I was crazy!  My swedish doctor friend joined me and commented in her dry way that " most cows and sheep in Sweden have better accommodation than we had" ! You've gotta laugh!

Glad for the dawn, I got up really early and managed to catch the most fabulous sunrise. What a goodbye!!

One last day of taped feet! I have no blisters, just taped my feet on day zero and have added a few bits where it has worn or I got a bit tender. Have had a liner pair of socks and a thick wool outer pair. Will lose some toe nails for sure, but no blisters is amazing!

Saru, with Annapurana 4, which she has climbed, in the background.

Today was just a four hour stroll, even had some flat patches.  By lunch we were back at the van, and to the guest house.

Everywhere people were constructing massive swings as part of the Dashain celebrations

Best shower ever!!

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