Friday, October 26, 2012

Normalising Nepal

My few days in Pokhara have allowed me to normalize some things that at the start seemed really strange.

Prayer flags everywhere

laundry drying on every rooftop

Nepali carpentry

Water buffulo wandering along the main street and in every field

View from my room

Holy men asking for alms

Paragliding, where you have a falcon and it finds the thermals for you

And the pretty boats of Phewa Lake

Spelling! Now the opportunities have been endless here, but I have resisted because its a bit rich for me to criticism when I don't speak any language but English. However this one was to good to not share. IM pretty sure " surprise craps" is what I had on the trek!!!

Marigolds in pots everywhere

Namaste instead of hello
Tibetan refugee women trying to sell you beads
byo toilet paper, and
hipster hippes who try so hard to look careless

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