Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 9 - ABC to Bamboo

Minus 16C overnight, we pushed 3 beds together and slept four of us, as one girl did not have a proper sleeping bag. Woke to find my water bottle frozen on the floor beside the bed, 0C at dawn in the room.

It was as cold as it looks

Luckily I had no breathing problems overnight, as was up at 5am for the sunrise. Sublime.

Beautiful but treacherous walk down to MBC, bright day but ice on everything, thawing as we walked.  Past MBC and down to Bamboo today, it is so steep no wonder I struggled coming up! I feel better and have been able to eat a little.

Cotton grows wild

Many creek crossings on quirky bridges

Porters with heavy loads

And my favorite "hairy" bridge

The trail is loose scree, tree roots and rocks so concentration levels are high. 


Waterfalls, beautiful birches, misty mountain tops.

Tired legs

many rest stops

As we drop we enter deep cool forests, walking on leaf litter, moss covered trees.

Its hard to believe we have come so far

It was a long 7hr day of walking, and the hot shower at Bamboo was devine ( having had 3 nights of it being to cold to shower). And I ate momos for dinner instead of rice, yummo!

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