Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last day in Newfoundland

Well, I'm at the St Johns Airport, waiting to fly to Toronto. The plane is delayed, because just as when a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon is does something to someone on the other side of the world, then when a plane loses its tyre in London Margie's plane is late in St Johns!

Spent  a most wonderful night at the Hotel Drinkwater, chatting books and many other things with Sarah while she fed me wonderful home made lasagna. We even swapped books, so I'm set with a new one for the road, and Sarah has "I Heard an Owl Call My Name" by Margaret Craven, which is a great story set in BC. And best of all I got it for 25c at a fete in Rocky Harbour, Gros Morne!

The sleep, in a real bed!, was wonderful, made all the more special by the occasional visits by Maggie. All good training for my Icelandic hike, where the fine print reads "must be prepared to share a bed with a stranger"!!!!. Maggie was very sweet, gently patting my shoulder with her paws, then diving under the doona when I rolled over.

Simon's fame has gone to his head, and he gave me this "kiss my ass photo"! 

Then we I said it would go on the blog he immediately posed for the perfect " cat silhouetted by door" shot. Ah, artists!!!!

Ok, Ok I may be getting a little silly, but that's what waiting at airports does to you!!

I will take with me wonderful memories of St Johns, and the Drinkwater hospitality, oh and yes quiet a bit of Simon's hair. Wonder if I need to declare it?

On to Toronto, where my greatest excitement is that they have a Mountain Equipment Coop store ( ah heaven for campers and hikers). I'm sure I'm going to really need some things that I don't even know exist yet!! 

I've decided each new city is like the start of an adventure race. You have no idea of the orientation of the map, or where the hell you are, and you don't know how the transit system works. I always feel slightly sick, and have to fight the urge to get a cab to an expensive hotel so I can hide. But I resist and get a bus to the hostel, where I hope they haven't lied to much on their web site.

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