Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Upper West Side New York, or why does eveyone jog around in scoop sided shorts?

Have spent my first night in my hostel, Pink in th City, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  Note thatit has those famous outside stairs, so I will be singing on them tonight I think!  Of course like a good early riser im up and out by NY 8 am, which is about 10pm your time.

Have had a lovely walk through Central Park, which  is an amazing oasis of green in the middle of the city.  But everyone, and I mean everyone, is jogging in scoop sided shorts!!!!

Have now found free wifi in a nice Tea House near the Trump Tower! Its amazing to walk around and see all these places that youve seen a milllion times on TV.

Its hot already (24 degrees) so thats nor really fun!  Im off now to find the Staten Island Ferry.

Oh and for the food log (Jode and Eric take note), I've already seen the most amazing thing in the supermarket this am. Canned Porridge!!! Yes , if you are to lazy to add water yourself, you can just buy the can!!!! Only in America!!

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