Monday, August 9, 2010

The Writing Workshop

I have finished my workshop and time at Omega, which was great.

We worked in groups, and read our writing to a small group, or the whole 26 sometimes. I really enjoyed this and some of the stories read were soooo good.  Marg P was a very eccentric lady, totally focused on what we had written, and not interested in anything else. But boy when she gave you input she was so interested and generous!  So Val this picture is for you!!!

My group was really nice, ranging from the 80yr old very political lady from New York to the 30 something woman who wrote the funniest sad stories. And they liked my writing and gave great feedback ( once they could understand me!). Actually my thick Aussie accent is providing me with some fun times, especially trying to make AMTRAK bookings over the phone!

I also fitted in a massage before I left. The was a hoot, imagine Momma Bear throwing my limbs around in a Balinese style massage while talking ten to the dozen about my trip. She was one of several people who commented on how strong I am ( stop laughing Eric), I think that's because they are all vegetarian's and none eats any protein!

I then caught the train to Poughkeepsie, where I'm having some R & R, washing clothes etc. Its located on the Hudson River, on the base of the Catskill Mountains, so very beautiful. But no one walks here. I mean no one, no footpaths, nothing. I walked the mile to the supermarket and was told by the lady at reception that I was very brave!! and then I get to the supermarket and had my "only in America" moment! The have electric buggies, like old people use in Aus, for shopping trolleys! So you don't push your trolley, you drive it! I'm serious!!

Tomorrow its off to Newfoundland,

1 comment:

  1. Poughkeepsie & no walking. Trying to get my head around that. No walking ? Ride on trolleys ? Does this mean this is a 'moneyed' area ? What is that about ???
