Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rest day from hiking, got a bit of Culture!!

Had a rest day from hiking today, so got some Culture instead by going to the museum!

It’s in the house of Knud rassmussen, the most famous Greenlandic explorer, who travelled in Greenland, Russia, Canada and Alaska and showed that all the Inuit people are one. It was a great museum, and I learnt a lot. Here are a few;

Greenlandic has no letter C (I wonder if that’s because they only have dogs and not cats)

Where I hike to see the icebergs (Sermermiut) has had people living there for 4000 years and there are still heaps of tools and stones showing houses, as well as graves, all through there. No-one is allowed to disturb it, and eventually it will be taken by the ice flow.

Sledge dogs are more environmentally friendly, and dog sledges do much less damage to plants than the snowmobiles. This sign (if you can read it) gives some great facts.

They are really worried that it will be a massive loss of culture if dogs die out. That’s why you can only have dogs here that were born and bred above the Arctic Circle, they don’t want to inbreed and lose the dogs ability to withstand cold.

They still wear traditional Greenlandic dress on National Days (hey Gracie, bet your glad you don’t live here!)

Also have an actual sod house that used to be lived in.

So have had a nice day, and even found some pamphlets in English!! Joy oh Joy! I’ve realised that I have an addiction (other than food, and now that I don’t drink) and that to words!! All the books in the hostel are in Danish!!

Some more walking tommorow as I only have the weekend, then back south to Nuuk, but I think it will be walking in the rain..oh well, it is Greenland

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